Sealife guideThe great white sharkCarcharodon carcharias
The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
- Common name: Great white shark
- French name: Grand requin blanc
- Scientific name: Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Family name: Lamnidae
- Order name: Lamniformes
- Class name: Elasmobranchii
The great white shark is one of the oceans' greatest predators ! The great white shark's body is bulging in the middle and tapered at the ends, giving it exceptional power for sudden attacks.
The great white shark has several rows of razor-sharp teeth
The great white shark is one of the fastest and most enduring of all sharks, even in the coldest waters, thanks to its circulatory system, which keeps its body temperature warmer than the temperature of the water in which it swims.
The great white shark has several rows of razor-sharp teeth. When a tooth breaks off, it is immediately replaced by a new tooth from the row behind. The great white shark averages 3 to 5 meters in length, but can reach a maximum of 7 meters.
The great white shark is found in all the world's oceans except the polar oceans.
The great white shark is found from the surface to a depth of 1 300 meters, but is particularly fond of shallow areas along the coast.
The great white shark is a solitary shark, but it is sometimes possible to encounter it in couples.
The great white shark feeds on small fish, tuna, marine mammals such as dolphins and sea lions, sea turtles and sea birds. The great white shark is so powerful and fast that it will sometimes leap out of the water to catch its prey.
The great white shark is a solitary shark, but it is sometimes possible to encounter it in couples
Great white shark reproduction is still poorly understood. The great white shark is ovoviviparous.
Did you know ?
The great white shark can weigh over 3.5 tons !
The great white shark drawn by Estelle
Beware ! Seen from the surface, the great white shark's back can blend in with the seabed !
The great white shark has exceptional hearing: it can hear one of its prey from over 900 meters away.
Despite its high position in the food chain, the great white shark is on the endangered species list.
The great white shark is listed as many other marine species within The IUCN Red List of threatened species. The great white shark appears in the IUCN Red List since 2022 within the category Vulnerable !
Within the same family
Longfin mako
(Isurus paucus)
(Isurus paucus)
Short fin mako
(Isurus oxyrinchus)
(Isurus oxyrinchus)
Basking Shark
(Cetorhinus maximus)
(Cetorhinus maximus)
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(Squalus acanthias)
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(Brachaelurus waddi)
Horn shark
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(Heterodontus francisci)
Zebra bullhead shark
(Heterodontus zebra)
(Heterodontus zebra)
Sandbar shark
(Carcharhinus plumbeus)
(Carcharhinus plumbeus)
Nurse shark
(Ginglymostoma cirratum)
(Ginglymostoma cirratum)
Spotted wobbegong
(Orectolobus maculatus)
(Orectolobus maculatus)
Zebra shark
(Stegostoma fasciatum)
(Stegostoma fasciatum)
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