Travel guideCruise destinations

Set sail on a cruise ship for your next vacation
Set sail on a cruise ship for your next vacation ©  |
Are you dreaming of a tropical cruise in the Caribbean to explore the many islands surrounded by turquoise waters, a Mediterranean cruise with a stop in Venice, or even a North Sea cruise to enjoy the beauty of the fjords ? Then, without a doubt, you’ll find the perfect cruise for you !
A cruise ship docked in Key West, Florida
A cruise ship docked in Key West, Florida
A décor that will leave you in awe …
Cruise ships with evocative names boast an interior design that will amaze you throughout your voyage ! The highlight is undoubtedly the grand atrium that spans multiple decks, featuring panoramic glass elevators that offer breathtaking views as you descend ! Get ready to be dazzled !
View of the grand atrium of the Costa Fascinosa cruise ship with its panoramic glass elevators
View of the grand atrium of the Costa Fascinosa cruise ship with its panoramic glass elevators
A true floating city !
The first few days on board are an opportunity to get familiar with the ship and settle into this real floating city. Indeed, a cruise ship is much more than just a hotel with cabins serving as rooms, some with balconies and sea views.
The corridors of the Costa Fascinosa cruise ship provide access to the numerous cabins
The corridors of the Costa Fascinosa cruise ship provide access to the numerous cabins
It offers a full array of restaurants and bars, a theater, cozy lounges for relaxing, dance floors, a nightclub, a grand atrium with glass elevators, a casino, duty-free shops for shopping, pools with waterslides, jacuzzis… and I’ll stop here, though this list is far from exhaustive, it certainly gives a good idea of the multitude of services on board !
Easy to get lost !
With its many decks, sometimes over ten on the largest ships, it’s easy to feel lost when you first arrive on board ! But luckily, there’s a certain logic, with the lower decks dedicated to services like restaurants, bars, and the theater, while the upper decks house the cabins, and at the very top, outdoor activities with large terraces and pools with retractable roofs.
The Costa Fascinosa cruise ship docked in Ajaccio, Corsica
The Costa Fascinosa cruise ship docked in Ajaccio, Corsica
All decks are served by multiple elevators and staircases spread along the length of the ship. A main deck allows access to all areas from bow to stern without needing to change decks !
Every day, a new discovery !
Every day brings a new city, a new country, or sometimes both ! The journey usually takes place at night, though sometimes during the day if the next destination is far. This is a chance to explore the ship, get to know it better, and really fine-tune your experience ! In the end, it’s often by the end of the cruise that the ship seems to have revealed all its secrets — or maybe not !
The Costa Fascinosa cruise ship docked in Barcelona, Spain
The Costa Fascinosa cruise ship docked in Barcelona, Spain
The cruises offered by the largest companies like Carnival, Costa, Cunard, MSC, and Royal Caribbean are just as varied as the seas and oceans they navigate. See for yourself, you could set off to explore:
  • the Mediterranean Sea and its islands
  • the Caribbean Sea, surrounded by its many islands forming the Antilles arc
  • the Atlantic Ocean with a Transatlantic crossing
  • North America
  • Northern Europe with its fjords
  • and for those with a real appetite for adventure, a world tour of the oceans
So, are you ready to set sail ?
Our dream cruise destinations
An Antarctic cruise
An Antarctic cruise
A Mediterranean cruise
A Mediterranean cruise
A stop in Barcelona
A stop in Barcelona

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