Travel guideA Mediterranean cruiseCruise destinations
A Mediterranean cruise offers the chance to follow in the footsteps of great ancient civilizations, whose remnants still mark the major Mediterranean cities where they were born ! Sailing on the Mediterranean Sea also means discovering its many scattered islands and their rugged landscapes that plunge into the blue sea !
The Costa Fascinosa cruise ship docked in Civitavecchia, the gateway to Rome, Italy
It's hard to count on one hand the number of countries that border the Mediterranean Sea, as there are so many ! The major Mediterranean cities, true witnesses to the past, will reveal their history to you! Each day brings a new city or even a new country, but always a new backdrop !
Between West and East
West or East, that is the question! No need to choose—explore both Western and Eastern Mediterranean regions, offering you a wealth of itineraries to discover ! Some cruises even venture beyond the Strait of Gibraltar to visit cities like Casablanca, Cadiz, Lisbon, Madeira and the Canary Islands !
The Mediterranean Sea spans a vast geographic area and borders over twenty countries, including those in Southern Europe, Northern Africa, and Western Asia. The Mediterranean has been home to numerous civilizations, including the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans and Byzantines, and has been the site of extensive trade exchanges between countries over the centuries.
The Mediterranean Sea is a true crossroads of civilizations ! Roman ruins are visible throughout the Mediterranean basin but especially in Rome, just as Greek civilization can be explored in Athens.
Mediterranean islands
The Mediterranean islands serve as great stops to enrich your journey across the sea and avoid long stretches of open water to the next destination ! These islands boast a rich historical past and breathtaking panoramas, particularly in the Cyclades with Santorini, but not only !
The Costa Fascinosa cruise ship docked in Ajaccio, Corsica
Some Mediterranean island names may be familiar ! Remember the song « Capri, c'est fini » ? Capri is an island in the Bay of Naples known for its stunning natural beauty. Ibiza attracts tourists from around the world with its nightclubs and top DJs who keep the party going all night !
A panoramic view of the Gulf of Ajaccio in Corsica
But the Mediterranean Sea will reveal even more of its islands that rise above the water like Corsica, Malta, Sardinia, Elba, the Egadi Islands and many others !
An hour’s drive away
Some major cities are directly accessible from the cruise ship’s port of call, such as Ajaccio, Barcelona, and others. However, for cities like Genoa, Monte Carlo, Rome, and more, even if they are sometimes located by the sea, they require some effort to reach ! You'll need to use land transportation and be patient to reach your destination. Each itinerary has its stops, cities, and surrounding areas with landscapes accessible within an hour's drive at most.
Finally, beyond the beauty and richness of the sites and landscapes visited, the Mediterranean Basin offers a way of life that is equally charming !
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(Aulostomus maculatus)