Sealife guideThe bluefin trevallyCaranx melampygus

  • Common name: Bluefin trevally
  • French name: Carangue bleue, carangue étoilée
  • Scientific name: Caranx melampygus (Cuvier, 1833)
  • Family name: Carangidae
  • Order name: Carangiformes
  • Class name: Actinopterygii
The bluefin trevally is distinguished by its bright metallic blue color. Its body is elongated and laterally compressed.
The bluefin trevally is distinguished by its bright metallic blue color
The bluefin trevally is distinguished by its bright metallic blue color © Marco Lijoi |
The bluefin trevally is an impressive-sized fish, generally ranging between 12 and 24 inches in length, with some specimens easily reaching up to 35 inches.
The bluefin trevally inhabits the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
In the Indian ocean, the bluefin trevally is found along the coasts of East Africa, the Red sea, the western Indian ocean and the islands of the Indian ocean like the Seychelles, Madagascar and the Maldives.
In the Pacific ocean, the bluefin trevally is present across a vast area extending from the South Pacific islands, Australia and New Zealand to the Hawaiian islands.
The bluefin trevally frequents coastal waters, coral reefs, and rocky areas. It often swims in small groups or schools.
The bluefin trevally is carnivorous, feeding primarily on small fish, crustaceans and cephalopods.
Did you know ?
Due to its impressive size and fighting spirit when hooked, the bluefin trevally is highly prized by sport fishing enthusiasts.
The bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus)
The bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus) © Andamanse |
The bluefin trevally is listed as many other marine species within The IUCN Red List of threatened species. The bluefin trevally appears in the IUCN Red List since 2016 within the category Least Concern !
Within the same genus
Bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)
Bigeye trevally
(Caranx sexfasciatus)
Giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis)
Giant trevally
(Caranx ignobilis)
Bar jack (Caranx ruber)
Bar jack
(Caranx ruber)
Blue runner (Caranx crysos)
Blue runner
(Caranx crysos)
Crevalle jack (Caranx hippos)
Crevalle jack
(Caranx hippos)
Horse-eye jack (Caranx latus)
Horse-eye jack
(Caranx latus)
Within the same family
Orangespotted trevally (Carangoides bajad)
Orangespotted trevally
(Carangoides bajad)
Yellowspotted trevally (Carangoides fulvoguttatus)
Yellowspotted trevally
(Carangoides fulvoguttatus)
Indian threadfish (Alectis indica)
Indian threadfish
(Alectis indica)
Rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata)
Rainbow runner
(Elagatis bipinnulata)
Rudderfish (Naucrates ductor)
(Naucrates ductor)
Steel pompano (Trachinotus stilbe)
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(Trachinotus stilbe)
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Black tail permit fish
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Double-spotted queenfish (Scomberoides lysan)
Double-spotted queenfish
(Scomberoides lysan)
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Darkfin hind (Cephalopholis urodeta)
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