Sealife guideThe elkhorn coralAcropora palmata

  • Common name: Elkhorn coral
  • French name: Corail corne d'élan
  • Scientific name: Acropora palmata (Lamarck, 1816)
  • Family name: Acroporidae
  • Order name: Scleractinia
  • Class name: The anthozoans [Anthozoa]
Elkhorn coral grows in a branching, tree-like form, with each branch resembling the « horns of an elk », which is how it got its name. Another coral from the same family also resembles animal horns, the staghorn coral. Elkhorn coral is a large species with imposing branches that can reach over 6.5 feet in length.
Elkhorn coral grows in a branching, tree-like form, with each branch resembling the horns of an elk, hence its name
Elkhorn coral grows in a branching, tree-like form, with each branch resembling the horns of an elk, hence its name
Elkhorn coral is endemic to the central western Atlantic ocean. It can be found in the Caribbean sea, the Gulf of Mexico and along the coasts of Florida and the Bahamas.
Elkhorn coral thrives in shallow tropical waters where light is crucial for its symbiotic partners, the zooxanthellae. It is one of the key pillars of the reef ecosystem.
Like all corals, elkhorn coral is a carnivore that primarily feeds on zooplankton, which it captures with its tentacles equipped with numerous stinging cells that harpoon and paralyze its prey.
However, zooplankton is scarce in shallow tropical waters, so elkhorn coral relies on its valuable allies, the zooxanthellae, to meet its energy needs. These microscopic algae live in symbiosis with the coral, providing it with nutrients and oxygen through photosynthesis.
Elkhorn coral reproduces sexually with massive releases of male and female gametes. From fertilization and egg development, tiny planktonic larvae are produced. After a brief pelagic life, the larvae settle on the reef and transform into polyps. The first polyp then divides asexually to form an entire colony.
If a branch of elkhorn coral breaks, it can become the site of a new colony's development.
Did you know ?
Like most corals, elkhorn coral relies partly on the energy and oxygen provided by its symbiotic zooxanthellae.
Similar to the annual growth rings of trees visible in a tree trunk’s cross-section, the age of corals can be determined by examining the growth rings of the coral branch.
Elkhorn coral has been listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species since 2008. It is classified as « critically endangered » due to a more than 80% reduction in its presence over the past 30 years !
The Acroporidae family includes the most important coral species in reef formation.
Tips for observing
With its imposing branches and characteristic bushy form, elkhorn coral stands out from the rest of the reef ! So keep an eye out and take in a panoramic view of the entire reef !
Due to the impressive size of its branches and its characteristic bushy form, elkhorn coral stands out from the rest of the reef !
Due to the impressive size of its branches and its characteristic bushy form, elkhorn coral stands out from the rest of the reef !
Within the same genus
Acropora cythereacoral (Acropora cytherea)
Acropora cythereacoral
(Acropora cytherea)
Acropora pulchra coral (Acropora pulchra)
Acropora pulchra coral
(Acropora pulchra)
Staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis)
Staghorn coral
(Acropora cervicornis)
Pharaoh coral (Acropora parapharaonis)
Pharaoh coral
(Acropora parapharaonis)
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Dive centers
Centre de plongée des Ilets
'Les Ilets' dive center
Noa Plongée
Noa dive center
Vous abonnez !

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