Sealife guideThe labyrinthine brain coralDiploria labyrinthiformis
- Common name: Labyrinthine brain coral, grooved brain coral, depressed brain coral, brain coral
- French name: Corail cerveau de Neptune
- Spanish name: Coral cerebro
- Scientific name: Diploria labyrinthiformis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Family name: Faviidae
- Order name: Scleractinia
- Class name: The anthozoans [Anthozoa]
The labyrinthine brain coral forms colonies that look like large balls, ranging in size from a few centimeters in diameter to almost 2 meters for the largest. The labyrinthine brain coral has a succession of hills and valleys on its surface, giving it the appearance of a brain !
![The labyrinthine brain coral forms colonies that look like large balls The labyrinthine brain coral forms colonies that look like large balls](img/cnidaires-corail-cerveau-de-neptune-diploria-labyrinthiformis-03.jpg)
The labyrinthine brain coral forms colonies that look like large balls
Its distinctive double-crested hills are separated by a shallow gorge of varying width.
Did you know ?
The labyrinthine brain coral is listed as many other marine species within The
IUCN Red List of threatened species. The labyrinthine brain coral appears in the
IUCN Red List since 2022 within the category Critically Endangered !
![The labyrinthine brain coral is distinguished by its double-peaked hills separated by a gorge The labyrinthine brain coral is distinguished by its double-peaked hills separated by a gorge](img/cnidaires-corail-cerveau-de-neptune-diploria-labyrinthiformis-04.jpg)
The labyrinthine brain coral is distinguished by its double-peaked hills separated by a gorge
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