Sealife guideThe mediterranean jellyfishCotylorhiza tuberculata

The mediterranean jellyfish (Cotylorhiza tuberculata)
The mediterranean jellyfish (Cotylorhiza tuberculata)
  • Common name: Mediterranean jellyfish, Fried egg jellyfish
  • French name: Méduse oeuf au plat
  • Spanish name: Medusa huevo frito
  • Scientific name: Cotylorhiza tuberculata (Macri, 1778)
  • Family name: Cepheidae
  • Order name: Rhizostomeae
  • Class name: The scyphozoans [Scyphozoa]
The mediterranean jellyfish is called the fried egg jellyfish in french due to its striking resemblance to the dish of the same name ! It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful jellyfish in the Mediterranean sea.
The mediterranean jellyfish gets its french name, fried egg jellyfish, from its appearance which closely resembles the dish of the same name !
The mediterranean jellyfish gets its french name, fried egg jellyfish, from its appearance which closely resembles the dish of the same name ! © Vilainecrevette |
The size of the mediterranean jellyfish's bell is impressive with an egg-yolk yellow center and pale yellow surrounding it. Its tentacles are short with violet tips.
The mediterranean jellyfish is a medium-sized jellyfish, ranging from about 4 to 12 inches in diameter.
The mediterranean jellyfish is a common and endemic species in the Mediterranean sea. It is also commonly found in the Adriatic sea.
Like all jellyfish, the mediterranean jellyfish is a pelagic species that drifts with the currents.
The mediterranean jellyfish feeds on plankton, small crustaceans and fish larvae.
Did you know ?
The mediterranean jellyfish is considered one of the harmless jellyfish species in the Mediterranean sea, but caution is still advised for allergic individuals, as there have been reports of stings.
The mediterranean jellyfish is a common and endemic jellyfish species in the Mediterranean sea
The mediterranean jellyfish is a common and endemic jellyfish species in the Mediterranean sea © Planctonvideo |
The mediterranean jellyfish often shelters small fish among its mildly stinging tentacles, offering them a safe refuge.
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