Sealife guideThe moon jellyfishAurelia aurita

  • Common name: Moon jellyfish
  • French name: Méduse bleue, méduse lune, aurélie
  • Scientific name: Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Family name: Ulmaridae
  • Order name: Semaeostomeae
  • Class name: The scyphozoans [Scyphozoa]
The moon jellyfish has a flattened bell shape that averages about 12 inches in diameter. The bell has a regular shape with a scalloped edge.
The coloration of the moon jellyfish ranges from bluish to pinkish
The coloration of the moon jellyfish ranges from bluish to pinkish © |
The moon jellyfish is generally translucent, but its color can vary and take on a slightly bluish or pinkish hue depending on its age and diet.
The moon jellyfish is a common species found in temperate and tropical coastal waters of seas and oceans around the world. It is particularly found in the coastal waters of Northern Europe, the Caribbean sea, and the Red sea.
Like all jellyfish, the moon jellyfish drifts with the currents and can be found along coastlines.
The moon jellyfish primarily feeds on small planktonic organisms and fish larvae, which it captures with its tentacles as it drifts with the currents.
The moon jellyfish has different forms of reproduction that include various developmental stages, such as larval planktonic forms and polyps, before taking its adult jellyfish form.
It can reproduce sexually by releasing male gametes into the seawater, which then fertilize the gametes still held by the female jellyfish. The fertilized eggs remain attached under the bell of the female jellyfish and develop into planktonic larvae.
Did you know ?
The moon jellyfish is capable of producing a faint bioluminescent glow in the dark. This bioluminescence is due to the presence of specific proteins in its jelly, allowing it to attract prey or defend itself against predators.
The moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita)
The moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita)
Due to climate change, jellyfish blooms, which are proliferations of jellyfish, occur regularly in certain regions of the world, and the moon jellyfish is one of the species responsible for these blooms, particularly in Northern Europe, where it is widespread.
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