Sealife guideThe humphead wrasseCheilinus undulatus

the humphead wrasse, is a fish from the wrasse family (Labridae) in the order Perciformes. It is one of the oldest fish species still present in the world's seas and oceans, making it a true living fossil. It is commonly nicknamed in french the « Napoleon fish » or the « reef bison ».
  • Common name: Humphead wrasse, giant Wrasse
  • French name: Poisson Napoléon, labre géant, bison des récifs
  • Scientific name: Cheilinus undulatus (Rüppell, 1835)
  • Family name: Labridae
  • Order name: Perciformes
  • Class name: Actinopterygii
The humphead wrasse typically measures around 24 inches but can grow up to 90 inches, making it the largest member of the wrasse family.
The humphead wrasse is characterized by the prominent hump on the forehead of the adult male, its large fleshy mouth, and its bulging eyes
The humphead wrasse is characterized by the prominent hump on the forehead of the adult male, its large fleshy mouth, and its bulging eyes
This fish is characterized by the prominent hump on the forehead of the adult male, its large fleshy mouth and bulging eyes. The hump on its head, reminiscent of french emperor Napoleon’s bicorne hat, is the reason for its french nickname.
Its coloring is vibrant and dazzling, with electric blue marbling on a green background.
The humphead wrasse moves through the water primarily using its pectoral fins.
The humphead wrasse is found in the tropical waters of the Indian ocean, the Red sea and from southern Japan to the central islands of the Pacific ocean.
The humphead wrasse prefers the shallow waters of coral reefs, often on the outer reef slopes. It is very common to see it along the edge of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef !
The humphead wrasse is a solitary, diurnal fish.
Carnivorous, it feeds on benthic invertebrates, mollusks, fish, sea urchins and can even ingest toxic species like boxfish and sea hares. It moves slowly and is therefore considered a harmless predator.
The humphead wrasse is a hermaphrodite ! It undergoes a sexual metamorphosis known as protogynous sequential hermaphroditism.
In simpler terms, the humphead wrasse is born female and later becomes male at sexual maturity with this change typically occurring around 15 years of age.
Did you know ?
The humphead wrasse can live up to 32 years !
Due to its late sexual maturity, the species is highly vulnerable to fishing. The humphead wrasse has been listed as an endangered species on the IUCN Red List since 1996 and its status was upgraded from « Vulnerable » to « Endangered » in 2004 !
The humphead wrasse is locally protected in Australia, the Philippines, the Maldives, Palau and New Caledonia.
Tips for observing
The humphead wrasse is not shy at all and easily approaches divers. It’s quite easy to swim near it as it puts on a show and often impresses with its size !
The humphead wrasse is a fish that typically measures around 24 inches but can reach up to 90 inches, making it the largest member of the wrasse family
The humphead wrasse is a fish that typically measures around 24 inches but can reach up to 90 inches, making it the largest member of the wrasse family
Within the same genus
Abudjubbe wrasse (Cheilinus abudjubbe)
Abudjubbe wrasse
(Cheilinus abudjubbe)
Floral wrasse (Cheilinus chlorourus)
Floral wrasse
(Cheilinus chlorourus)
Within the same family
Jansen's wrasse (Thalassoma jansenii)
Jansen's wrasse
(Thalassoma jansenii)
Peacock razorfish (Iniistius pavo)
Peacock razorfish
(Iniistius pavo)
Rosy razorfish (Xyrichtys martinicensis)
Rosy razorfish
(Xyrichtys martinicensis)
Axilspot hogfish (Bodianus axillaris)
Axilspot hogfish
(Bodianus axillaris)
Half and half wrasse (Hemigymnus melapterus)
Half and half wrasse
(Hemigymnus melapterus)
California sheephead (Semicossyphus pulcher)
California sheephead
(Semicossyphus pulcher)
Checkerboard wrasse (Halichoeres hortulanus)
Checkerboard wrasse
(Halichoeres hortulanus)
Zigzag wrasse (Halichoeres scapularis)
Zigzag wrasse
(Halichoeres scapularis)
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