Sealife guideThe tiger sharkGaleocerdo cuvier

The tiger shark gets its name from the typical markings covering its body when it is still young, resembling those of tigers. The tiger shark can reach a maximum length of 24.6 feet and weigh up to 1,760 pounds.
The tiger shark has markings like a tiger !
The tiger shark has markings like a tiger !
The tiger shark is found in the tropical and temperate waters of oceans around the globe: in French Polynesia, the Bahamas, Mauritius, and off the coast of Djibouti, …
The tiger shark can be found from the surface down to depths of 1,214 feet, but it particularly prefers shallower waters, from the surface to 459 feet, along coastlines, at the mouths of estuaries, or in ports. The tiger shark is also commonly found along coral reefs or in lagoon areas of atolls.
The tiger shark is not picky and eats anything that comes its way! It feeds on waste, marine mammals, turtles, birds, smaller sharks and all kinds of fish.
The tiger shark is ovoviviparous. When the females give birth, the baby tiger sharks already have markings on their skin. As they grow, the markings evolve to resemble those of tigers. Finally, once they reach adulthood, the markings fade and become much less visible.
Did you know ?
The tiger shark is, after the great white shark, the most dangerous shark species to humans.
The tiger shark prefers the shallower waters of coral reefs and lagoons !
The tiger shark prefers the shallower waters of coral reefs and lagoons !
It is known that the tiger shark sometimes feeds on its own young !
The oldest tiger shark ever encountered was 50 years old !
The tiger shark is listed as many other marine species within The IUCN Red List of threatened species. The tiger shark appears in the IUCN Red List since 2019 within the category Near Threatened !
Within the same family
Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris)
Lemon shark
(Negaprion brevirostris)
Whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus)
Whitetip reef shark
(Triaenodon obesus)
Galapagos shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis)
Galapagos shark
(Carcharhinus galapagensis)
Grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos)
Grey reef shark
(Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos)
Blacknose shark (Carcharhinus acronotus)
Blacknose shark
(Carcharhinus acronotus)
Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)
Oceanic whitetip shark
(Carcharhinus longimanus)
Blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)
Blacktip reef shark
(Carcharhinus melanopterus)
Dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus)
Dusky shark
(Carcharhinus obscurus)
Explore also
Longfin mako (Isurus paucus)
Longfin mako
(Isurus paucus)
Leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata)
Leopard shark
(Triakis semifasciata)
Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini)
Scalloped hammerhead
(Sphyrna lewini)
bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo)
bonnethead shark
(Sphyrna tiburo)
Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
Nurse shark
(Ginglymostoma cirratum)
Broadnose sevengill shark (Notorynchus cepedianus)
Broadnose sevengill shark
(Notorynchus cepedianus)
Ornate wobbegong (Orectolobus ornatus)
Ornate wobbegong
(Orectolobus ornatus)
Leafscale gulper shark (Centrophorus squamosus)
Leafscale gulper shark
(Centrophorus squamosus)
The marine species from Caribbean sea
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Mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis)
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Queen angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris)
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Yellowhead jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons)
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Dive centers
Centre de plongée des Ilets
'Les Ilets' dive center
Noa Plongée
Noa dive center
Vous abonnez !

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