Sealife guideThe Pomacanthidae familyThe taxonomy of marine species
Explore the taxonomy of the sea vertebrates including the cetaceans like the whales or the dolphins, the sea birds, the fish, the sharks and the sea turtles !
Les poissons marins
The order Acanthuriformes consists of tropical marine fish known for their vibrant colors and diverse shapes, including surgeonfish, angelfish and butterflyfish, commonly found in coral reefs. These species are distinguished by unique features such as sharp spines on their tails or angular body shapes, playing a key role in maintaining the ecological balance of reefs.
The Pomacanthidae family includes angelfish, tropical marine species renowned for their vibrant colors and elegant patterns, primarily found in coral reefs. These medium-sized fish, often solitary or living in small groups, feature a distinctive spine at the base of their gill covers. Valued for their beauty, they play a key role in reef ecosystems by helping regulate algae and invertebrate populations.

Arabian angelfish
(Pomacanthus asfur)
(Pomacanthus asfur)

Banded angelfish
(Apolemichthys arcuatus)
(Apolemichthys arcuatus)

Bicolor angelfish
(Centropyge bicolor)
(Centropyge bicolor)

Black-spot angelfish
(Genicanthus melanospilos)
(Genicanthus melanospilos)

Blackstriped angelfish
(Genicanthus lamarck)
(Genicanthus lamarck)

Blacktail angelfish
(Centropyge eibli)
(Centropyge eibli)

Blue spotted angelfish
(Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus)
(Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus)

Blueface angelfish
(Pomacanthus xanthometopon)
(Pomacanthus xanthometopon)

Bluering angelfish
(Pomacanthus annularis)
(Pomacanthus annularis)

Emperor angelfish
(Pomacanthus imperator)
(Pomacanthus imperator)

Flame angelfish
(Centropyge loriculus)
(Centropyge loriculus)

French angelfish
(Pomacanthus paru)
(Pomacanthus paru)

Goldflake angelfish
(Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus)
(Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus)

Gray angelfish
(Pomacanthus arcuatus)
(Pomacanthus arcuatus)

Lemonpeel angelfish
(Centropyge flavissima)
(Centropyge flavissima)

Multibarred angelfish
(Paracentropyge multifasciata)
(Paracentropyge multifasciata)
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