Sealife guideThe Zanclidae familyThe taxonomy of marine species

Explore the taxonomy of the sea vertebrates including the cetaceans like the whales or the dolphins, the sea birds, the fish, the sharks and the sea turtles !
Les poissons marins
The order Acanthuriformes consists of tropical marine fish known for their vibrant colors and diverse shapes, including surgeonfish, angelfish and butterflyfish, commonly found in coral reefs. These species are distinguished by unique features such as sharp spines on their tails or angular body shapes, playing a key role in maintaining the ecological balance of reefs.
Moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus)
Moorish idol
(Zanclus cornutus)

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The north Pacific giant octopus
Monday, March 10th 2025
The north Pacific giant octopus
The north pacific giant octopus is a species of cephalopod that primarily inhabits the coastal waters of the North Pacific, notably in Alaska, Canada, the United States, and Japan. It is famous for its impressive size and remarkable intelligence. This octopus is one of the largest representatives of its family.
The loggerhead sea turtle
Saturday, March 1st 2025
The loggerhead sea turtle
The loggerhead sea turtle is one of the seven existing species of sea turtles. Found in oceans worldwide, the loggerhead turtle is a migratory species that plays a key role in marine ecosystems. The loggerhead sea turtle is the second-largest species of sea turtles after the Leatherback sea turtle, with a shell that measures on average between 35 and 39 inches in length.
EPCOT, a journey through cultures and innovation
Friday, February 21st 2025
EPCOT, a journey through cultures and innovation
EPCOT is one of the four iconic Disney theme parks in Orlando, Florida. Opened in 1982, this theme park is much more than just an entertainment venue, it is a unique blend of cultural discoveries, cutting-edge technology and innovations. If you are a travel, culture and futurism enthusiast, Disney's EPCOT theme park offers you an unforgettable experience !
Photo of the Day
Méduse pélagique (Pelagia noctiluca)
Méduse pélagique
(Pelagia noctiluca)