March 28, 2025

Sealife guideThe Acanthuriformes orderThe taxonomy of marine species

Explore the taxonomy of the sea vertebrates including the cetaceans like the whales or the dolphins, the sea birds, the fish, the sharks and the sea turtles !
Les poissons marins
The order Acanthuriformes consists of tropical marine fish known for their vibrant colors and diverse shapes, including surgeonfish, angelfish and butterflyfish, commonly found in coral reefs. These species are distinguished by unique features such as sharp spines on their tails or angular body shapes, playing a key role in maintaining the ecological balance of reefs.
The Acanthuridae family includes tropical marine fish known as surgeonfish and unicornfish, commonly found in coral reefs. These fish are characterized by their laterally compressed bodies and the presence of one or more sharp spines near the base of their tails, which they use for both defense and territorial assertion.
Black-spot surgeonfish (Acanthurus bariene)
Black-spot surgeonfish
(Acanthurus bariene)
Blue tang surgeonfish (Acanthurus coeruleus)
Blue tang surgeonfish
(Acanthurus coeruleus)
Bluetail unicornfish (Naso caeruleacauda)
Bluetail unicornfish
(Naso caeruleacauda)
Humpback unicornfish (Naso brachycentron)
Humpback unicornfish
(Naso brachycentron)
Indian sailfin surgeonfish (Zebrasoma desjardinii)
Indian sailfin surgeonfish
(Zebrasoma desjardinii)
Japanese surgeonfish (Acanthurus japonicus)
Japanese surgeonfish
(Acanthurus japonicus)
Kole tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
Kole tang
(Ctenochaetus strigosus)
Mimic surgeonfish (Acanthurus pyroferus)
Mimic surgeonfish
(Acanthurus pyroferus)
Ocean tang (Acanthurus bahianus)
Ocean tang
(Acanthurus bahianus)
Orangeband surgeonfish (Acanthurus olivaceus)
Orangeband surgeonfish
(Acanthurus olivaceus)
Orangespine unicornfish (Naso lituratus)
Orangespine unicornfish
(Naso lituratus)
Palelipped surgeonfish (Acanthurus leucocheilus)
Palelipped surgeonfish
(Acanthurus leucocheilus)
Paletail unicornfish (Naso brevirostris)
Paletail unicornfish
(Naso brevirostris)
Palette surgeonfish (Paracanthurus hepatus)
Palette surgeonfish
(Paracanthurus hepatus)
Powder blue tang (Acanthurus leucosternon)
Powder blue tang
(Acanthurus leucosternon)
Sailfin tang (Zebrasoma velifer)
Sailfin tang
(Zebrasoma velifer)

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