Sealife guideThe palette surgeonfishParacanthurus hepatus
- Common name: Palette surgeonfish, Dory
- French name: Poisson chirurgien bleu à palette, Dory
- Scientific name: Paracanthurus hepatus (Linnaeus, 1766)
- Family name: Acanthuridae
- Order name: Acanthuriformes
- Class name: Actinopterygii
Did you know ?
The palette surgeonfish, well kown as Dory, is one from famous fish species from « Finding Nemo » film !

The palette surgeonfish (Paracanthurus hepatus) © Ian Scott |
The palette surgeonfish is listed as many other marine species within The IUCN Red List of threatened species. The palette surgeonfish appears in the IUCN Red List since 2012 within the category Least Concern !
Within the same family

Humpback unicornfish
(Naso brachycentron)
(Naso brachycentron)

Bluetail unicornfish
(Naso caeruleacauda)
(Naso caeruleacauda)

Paletail unicornfish
(Naso brevirostris)
(Naso brevirostris)

Japanese surgeonfish
(Acanthurus japonicus)
(Acanthurus japonicus)

Palelipped surgeonfish
(Acanthurus leucocheilus)
(Acanthurus leucocheilus)

Blue tang surgeonfish
(Acanthurus coeruleus)
(Acanthurus coeruleus)

Yellowmask surgeonfish
(Acanthurus mata)
(Acanthurus mata)

Striped surgeonfish
(Acanthurus lineatus)
(Acanthurus lineatus)
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(Coryphaena hippurus)
(Coryphaena hippurus)

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(Pomacanthus semicirculatus)

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(Arothron diadematus)
(Arothron diadematus)

Spotted boxfish
(Ostracion meleagris)
(Ostracion meleagris)

Spotted trunkfish
(Lactophrys bicaudalis)
(Lactophrys bicaudalis)

Panda butterflyfish
(Chaetodon adiergastos)
(Chaetodon adiergastos)

Rusty parrotfish
(Scarus ferrugineus)
(Scarus ferrugineus)

Pearl toby
(Canthigaster margaritata)
(Canthigaster margaritata)
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