Sealife guideThe humpback whaleMegaptera novaeangliae

The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
  • Common name: Humpback whale
  • French name: Baleine à bosse, baleine à taquet, jubarte, mégaptère, rorqual à bosse, rorqual du Cap
  • Spanish name: Rorcual jorobado
  • Scientific name: Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski, 1781)
  • Family name: Balaenopteridae
  • Order name: Cetacea
  • Class name: Sea mammals [Mammalia]
The humpback whale is a marine mammal belonging to the order of cetaceans, specifically the baleen whales. With a length of about 50 feet and an average weight of around 44,000 pounds, the humpback whale is among the largest of the cetaceans.
The humpback whale has a stocky body with a black dorsal side. Its pectoral fins are long compared to its body size, nearly one-third of its total length. The underside of the fins is white with black at the base. The front of its head is covered with numerous small bumps called tubercules, which are a distinctive feature of the species and the origin of its name.
The humpback whale is found in all the world's oceans, traveling vast distances during its long migrations. It can be seen off the coast of British Columbia and in the Southern Ocean…
The humpback whale is a pelagic marine mammal found offshore in open waters. It undertakes long migrations across oceans to reach its feeding and breeding grounds. During these migrations, the humpback whale can travel over 15,500 miles each year.
The humpback whale primarily feeds on krill, which it finds in abundance during the summer months in the icy waters of the polar oceans. In winter, the humpback whale relies on the reserves it has built up during the summer.
Reaching sexual maturity around the age of 5, the humpback whale gives birth to a calf only every two years. During the breeding season, humpback whales migrate to warmer tropical waters to mate and give birth.
Did you know ?
The humpback whale can be easily identified by its tail, which is prominently visible above the water with each dive. Similar to human fingerprints, each whale has a unique tail fluke pattern with distinctive shapes, notches, and black or white markings. Researchers have created detailed identification catalogs of humpback whales based on photographs of the tails of different individuals encountered. Humpback whales are thus cataloged worldwide according to their distribution areas.
The humpback whale frequently falls victim to ship collisions as well as entanglement in derelict fishing nets, where it can suffocate. The humpback whale has been listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species since 1996. Initially classified as « endangered » then « vulnerable » and since 2008 as « least concern », the status of the humpback whale remains precarious and continues to face significant threats.
The humpback whale also benefits from protection measures and sanctuaries in several countries. Additionally, the humpback whale is listed on CITES Appendix I, which includes species that are the most endangered of all animal species.
Tips for observing
The humpback whale puts on a show with spectacular leaps out of the water, and with each dive, it gives photographers the chance to capture stunning shots and provides scientists with valuable images of its tail as it emerges above the surface.
Whale watching is the art of observing whales in their natural habitat, but the challenge lies in finding the perfect vantage point ! Therefore, I suggest you discover where to see whales in Australia
Within the same family
Dwarf minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
Dwarf minke whale
(Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
Fin whale
(Balaenoptera physalus)
Explore also
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Les destinations de plongée
Un requin baleine à Ningaloo Reef
Swim with whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef !

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