Sealife guideThe giant mantaManta birostris

A giant manta ray drawn with sand by Maldivians
A giant manta ray drawn with sand by Maldivians
The giant manta ray is the largest ray in the world reaching a maximum length of 30 feet. The giant manta ray has two large fins, called « wings », a short tail and two horns at the front that help direct the water it filters.
The giant manta ray is black on top
The giant manta ray is black on top
The giant manta ray is black on top with a white underside that is sometimes spotted with black, featuring five pairs of gill slits.
The giant manta ray primarily lives in tropical oceans around the world.
Giant manta rays can be found in the Maldives, near the coast of Africa, in Oceania, south of Asia, along the northern coasts of South America, near Central America and also off the western coast of Spain.
The giant manta ray is typically found between the surface and about 65 feet deep but it is generally closer to the surface.
The giant manta ray is rarely seen alone and is more commonly found in groups of a few individuals.
The giant manta ray primarily feeds on plankton in the water, which it directs with its two horns toward its mouth to filter out and expel through the gill slits on its underside. Giant manta rays also eat small fish.
The giant manta ray feeds on plankton by filtering seawater
The giant manta ray feeds on plankton by filtering seawater
To feed, the giant manta ray keeps its mouth wide open and « flaps its wings » peacefully while swimming in large circles or moving back and forth.
Giant manta rays sometimes approach coral reefs to find their food.
Giant manta rays are ovoviviparous. During reproduction, it is common for giant manta rays to leap out of the water to give birth to baby giant manta rays.
Did you know ?
A giant manta ray can weigh up to 6,600 pounds, measure up to 30 feet, and live for 20 years !
Giant manta rays do not travel alone ! It is common to see remoras, small fish, swimming above the giant manta ray.
Giant manta rays are capable of leaping out of the water.
Tips for observing
Giant manta rays are primarily found in areas rich in plankton located at the convergence of several ocean currents. Watch the water's surface, and you might be lucky enough to see the giant manta ray's wings breaking through.
Giant manta rays are primarily found in areas rich in plankton located at the convergence of several ocean currents
Giant manta rays are primarily found in areas rich in plankton located at the convergence of several ocean currents
Admire these majestic rays either from the surface with just a mask, snorkel and fins or underwater with your diving gear, as giant manta rays gracefully glide through the deep blue with their mouths wide open to filter seawater.
Within the same family
Atlantic white-spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari)
Atlantic white-spotted eagle ray
(Aetobatus narinari)
Pacific white-spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus laticeps)
Pacific white-spotted eagle ray
(Aetobatus laticeps)
Spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus ocellatus)
Spotted eagle ray
(Aetobatus ocellatus)
Explore also
White spotted wedgefish (Rhynchobatus australiae)
White spotted wedgefish
(Rhynchobatus australiae)
Gorgona guitarfish (Pseudobatos prahli)
Gorgona guitarfish
(Pseudobatos prahli)
Shovelnose guitarfish (Pseudobatos productus)
Shovelnose guitarfish
(Pseudobatos productus)
Big skate (Raja binoculata)
Big skate
(Raja binoculata)
Eastern fiddler ray (Trygonorrhina fasciata)
Eastern fiddler ray
(Trygonorrhina fasciata)
Reef manta ray (Mobula alfredi)
Reef manta ray
(Mobula alfredi)
Yellow stingray (Urobatis jamaicensis)
Yellow stingray
(Urobatis jamaicensis)
Darkspotted stingray (Himantura uarnak)
Darkspotted stingray
(Himantura uarnak)

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